Thursday, August 21, 2008

Phrases from a Conservative Brazilian Philosopher

These are thoughts (badly translated by me and not revised by the author) of the conservative Brazilian journalist and philosopher Olavo de Carvalho. In these you will find some sober wisdom tempered with vehemence, irony and sarcasm against liberalism and communism. Some of the apparent exaggeration is a reflection of the sadness about the situation of a society that has been increasingly dominated by the far Left.

The world would be much better if there was not so many people trying to improve it.

When I started as a reporter, about forty years ago, the cynic disillusionment of the old professionals who used to say "We, journalists, are prostitutes" sounded unbearably offensive to me. Today it is still offensive. Offensive to the prostitutes.

In a debate, do not ever use the language of the opponent, otherwise you will allow him to shape the debate, ..., you should not wear the verbal straitjacket imposed on you by an opponent that is dishonest and has evil intent.

The difference between Brazilian public education and organized crime is that the organized crime is organized.

In truth, all ideologies are totalitarian because the essence of an ideology (and I remind you that conservatism, if properly understood, is not an ideology) is to affirm, starting from a philosophy, that some things should be in agreement with it - such as, for example, the idea that all the history of our culture is summarized as the oppression of women. Since reality contradicts this philosophy, then the reality itself must be forbidden. And they need to forbid reality so that we can recognize the "reality" of their "history". People must be forced to live a lie, and since people are naturally reluctant to do so, they use their eyes and ears naturally and think: "Wait a minute. This is not true. I can see that it is not." Thus the power of the State must enforce the demand to live a lie. This is why ideologies always give birth to totalitarian States.

... the Marxist brain never is normal.

True heroes are made from within, in the struggle of the soul for the truth of existence. Before they shine in spectacular actions, they have to defeat the internal lie and pay, with extreme moral solitude, the price of sincerity.

Only the one who, in solitude, knows how to be severe and just with oneself - and against oneself - is capable of judging others with justice, instead of letting oneself be pushed by the shouts of the mob, by the stereotypes of propaganda and by the self-interest disguised as beautiful moral excuses.

Intelligence is the relation that is established between man and truth, a relation that only man has with truth, and that exists only at the moment he understands and recognizes truth, since he can be unintelligent in the next moment, when he forgets or denies the truth.
- Intelligence and Truth -

The incapacity of a people to recognize the dangers that threaten them is one of the strongest signals of the self-destructive depression that forebodes the great social failures. The apathy, the indifference in regard to their own destiny, the concentration of attention to the secondary matters together with total negligence in regard to the essential and urgent maters, flag the lethargy of the victim, who, foreseeing a blow that is stronger than he can stand, prepares himself, through a anesthetic reflex, to deliver himself helpless and semi-conscious to the hands of his executioner, like a lamb that offers his neck to the blade. But when the torpor not only invades the soul of the people, but it also takes the mind of the intellectuals and the voice of their best, their voices are raised only to make a chorus to the hypnotic chanting, then the last hope for the reawakening of conscience is put out.
- The Garden of Afflictions

If, knowing that, you are still vulnerable to the stares of accusation and the poisonous words, if you still feel reverent fear of the malicious and slanderers and try to placate them with a display of submission so that they will not expose you to shame and not punish you in any other way, then you still have not understood the meaning of Christmas.
This meaning is simple and straight: the evil ones and the slanderers do not have authority over you any longer. Do not bow your head to them, do not consent that your weaknesses be exploited by the malice of the world.
Jesus Christ has already paid your debt. This is why we commemorate Christmas.

Whatever will be the future of the human species and whatever are our concepts about it, the [Left's] revolutionary mindset has to be radically obliterated from the acceptable social and cultural possibilities before it tries to force the appearance of a so called better world so many times that it makes the world a gigantic abortion and turn the millennial trajectory of the human species on the Earth into a senseless history crowned with a bloody end.

Whatever has come into existence, even if for a brief instant, can never return to nothing, which is devoid of any existence.

When some Liberal with an university diploma comes toward me, I reach for my roll of toilet paper.

If this guy has not studied this, he doesn't know anything, he has to shut up. I think that the right of having an opinion is proportional to the sincere interest that the person has for the subject. If you don't have interest for the subject and did not even read anything, why should we have interest in hearing your opinion? Take your opinion and shove it. It is very simple!

Someone should invent an opinion suppository. You can use the capsule, open it, put your opinion in there, right? Then you introduce it in your anal orifice. That is the best thing you can do with your opinion.
- in response to a leftist

To talk about vulgar Marxism is a redundancy, because Marxism has already been born vulgar.

The socialist-democracy is the condom that the Left uses to rape us.

I remember a story written by someone about a guy that was so depressed, but so depressed that he threw himself in a toilet and pulled the flush cord. When he arrived at the bottom of the sewer, the turds rejected him: "We don't want you here! Get out!" This is what is happening to Brazil.

In response to the bishop Pedro Casaldáliga who endorsed the leftist proposal of banning crosses from all public offices:
"So you mean that you want to remove the symbol of your Lord and Savior from the wall?? Go @#$@#$ you @#$@#$@#!!!"

Only the idealist man is realist; the others are either dreamers or cynics.

In the land of the blind, whoever has one eye is the king, but whoever has both eyes is seen as a lunatic.

Brazilians are over, someone has cut both of their balls and gave to the cats to eat. Brazil has a national crisis of testosterone, I don't know how there are people still being born there.

The existence of God is not a matter of faith, it is a matter of rational proof, this is more than proved for a long time...

I have been suggesting, to eliminate the polemic around abortion and to satisfy the humanitarian instincts of the ones who espouse that practice, an easy and quick solution that I name as Voluntary Retroactive Self-Abortion (VRSA) ...
Every abortion lover can, thus, reach the full satisfaction of their demands by crushing their own skull with a forceps or any other proper obstetrician instrument and request, before or after this surgery procedure, the cancellation of his own birth certificate. Once the complete elimination in the physic and historic world is done, the distinctive abortionist would have the satisfaction of entering the sphere of the beyond with a curriculum mortis identical of those millions of babies who, before him, exercised the inalienable right to be aborted.

Now, there are people who do not see the difference between man and monkey. My friend, you can ignore that there are differences, but the monkey knows it.

It is not you who will understand the Bible, you have to understand the facts of your life under the light of the Bible. The Bible gives meaning to your life, it is not you who will give meaning to the Bible, you have to let the Bible explain your life.

It is not you who has to explain who is God, you have to let the Person of God show you who He is. You have to let God show Himself to you.

There are secret hands, of course, but they are many and keep slapping each other, sometimes slapping themselves. Nobody has the hegemonic control of the world historic process, even though many try to obtain it, often incurring in catastrophic errors that take their plans to results opposite of what they were expecting.
- The world, how it has never worked

You ask a believer whether God responds to his prayers. He answers that most of the time, yes, but sometimes, no.
Then you ask a communist to explain where in the world his ideas have ever worked. He will not know how to answer, but in spite of that, he continues to believe his ideas. This is what faith is.

All of the Left, without exception, are comprised of 4 kinds of people: crooks, idiots, crooks who are becoming idiots without ceasing to be crooks and idiots who are transforming themselves into crooks but continuing to be idiots. Both extremes are rare, they are in fact pure Weberian ideal types that do not exist in reality: the Left is comprised, in effect, of crooked idiots and idiotic crooks, in a perpetual interchange of roles.
When Roberto Campos used to say that there was no Leftist who was at the same time intelligent and honest, he still had the hope that many would have managed to have each of those two qualities separately. But malice is not intelligence and pretense is not honesty. The brain of a Leftist works like this: to be smart when defrauding and to be a cretin when seeing himself as honest.
- The head of the leftist

An honest communist, a honorable communist, a good communist, a communist that, by principle, speaks the truth against the Party, a communist that puts his opponents' rights to life and liberty above the agenda of his cursed revolution, a communist without sick hate in his heart and megalomaniac ambitions in his head, is a circle with 3 sides, an elephant with wings, a stone that speaks, a lion that hoots instead of roar and only eats lettuce. It has never existed, it does not exist today and will never exist.
-The scum of the earth

Communists are like cockroaches. You turn on the lights, they run and disappear. When you turn it off, they come back.

We cannot know ourselves by putting ourselves in a table and examining as if we were a corpse in the anatomy table. You know yourselves by the decisions you take, by your actions and by what you create in the world. It is by the actual choices, acts and imprints that you leave. Then you will have a history to tell, and in the moment you tell your history, you will understand yourself; you will tell your history and as in descriptive geometry, you will project your past into the plane of the future and you will understand what you have been, who you can be and who you should be.

The only places in the world where it [Darwinism] has been officially sponsored by the cult of the State were, from one side, the nazist Germany, and from the other side, the communist countries. Both these totalitarianisms saw history, substantively, as a Darwinian competition between the species. The difference was merely a nuance: to the nazists, "species" meant "race"; to the communists, "class". The method for the survival of the fittest, in both cases, was the same: to kill the unfit.

Brazil was a sick country. Today the country is dead and only the sickness is left.

To be reactionary is to react as uncompromising and as hostile as you can to the diabolic ambition of rearranging the world.

You can read Olavo de Carvalho's articles in English by visiting his site:
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