Sunday, September 7, 2008

Documentary about the communist subversion in the US media

This is an interview with Yuri Alexandrovitch Bezmenov (*1939 +1997), a Soviet dissident who was a KGB operative and employee of the Novosti agency.
The interview is conduced by G. Edward Griffin, political commentator and author of The Creature from Jekyll Island. This interview took place in 1984.
The interview has been divided in 9 parts for YouTube and the play list is here.

Understandably, Yuri Bezmenov, being a foreigner with counterintelligence background, underestimated American society's capacity to resist the onslaught of Soviet propaganda.
With the fall of the evil empire, this interview explains the communist plans that fortunately failed, a horrible scenario from which America and the world have escaped, even though the US media continues to be infected.

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